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Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is the largest city in Vietnam, with the highest economic growth rate and the most populous density in the country. By the year 2019, HCMC currently has 8.99 million people with 24 districts. Ho Chi Minh city has robust industrial and service development; therefore, HCMC focuses on developing large-scale livestock facilities with a large number of pigs and limiting small livestock facilities. According to statistic data, HCMC has a total of 290.152 pigs in 2018. These livestock facilities are mainly built in Cu Chi, Hoc Mon, Binh Chanh, Can Gio, and Nha Be districts. These livestock facilities in HCMC have inefficient waste treatment systems located interleaved with residential areas. So that, environmental issues are also a big challenge for the city's government because of the great influence of odor on the surrounding environment causing by the wind direction. The main purposes of this study are (i) calculation of odor emissions from livestock facilities, (ii) simulation of the odor from livestock facilities , and (iii) development of the safe distance of odor for livestock facilities in HCMC. The study results show that, the concertrations from livestock facilitties with capacity from from 50 to 200 pigs and 200 to 500 pigs are lower than QCVN 06:2009/BTNMT. The minimum distance for the livestock facility with capacity from over 500 to 1,000 pigs and over 1,000 pigs to the residential area are 230m and 650m, respectively. The procedure for calculating the odor isolation distance developing in this study could apply for other livestock facilities in other provinces, cities.

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Article Details

Issue: Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Page No.: 323-335
Published: Jun 17, 2021
Section: Original Research

 Copyright Info

Creative Commons License

Copyright: The Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

 How to Cite
Tam, N., Bang, H., Khue, V., & Thuy, N. (2021). Study of odor simulation and proposed odor isolation distance for some main pollutants (H2S, NH3, CH3SH ) for livestock activities: Applied in Ho Chi Minh City. Science & Technology Development Journal: Science of the Earth & Environment, 5(1), 323-335.

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