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Iron mineralization in La E E area, Nam Giang district, Quang Nam province was discovered in the work "Geological mapping and mineral investigation at scale 1: 50,000 Group A Hoi, Phuoc Hao, Quang Nam province". According to the research results of the project, iron minerals in the La E E area include 2 points of ore Con Zot and Pa Lan. Iron ore in the region is closely related to the granitoid formations of the Ban Giang-Que Son Complex and the eruptions of the Pa Lan Formation: spilite, apo basalt, andesite porphyrite, ryodacite porphyr. Iron mineralization in the La Eê area has three origins. They are hydrothermal, contact metamorphism, and exchange contact metamorphism. The ore of hydrothermal origin consists of quartz-magnetite veins penetrating granodiorite. The contact metamorphic iron ore due to contact with pyroxene horn metamorphic facies encountered at the outer contact boundary of granitoid and the eruption rocks of the Pa Lan formation forming a zone containing diffuse magnetite ore. The exchange-contact metamorphic iron ore is found at the contact boundary of the granitoid and the eruptive sedimentary rocks of Pa Lan formation creating a zone containing the magnetite ore in the form of a seam, sometimes meeting ores of alternative exchange origin distributed in the limestone skarn at the contact boundary of granitoid and limestone-bearing sedimentary rocks. The mineral prospect zoning and iron mineral resource forecast (detailed investigation) in The La E E region showed that: resource class 334a is 9,655 million tons, resource level 334b is 12,815 million tons; total resources of class 334a + 334b are 22,870 million tons. The region's iron minerals are of good quality, with small to medium-sized mines.

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 How to Cite
Bui, V., & Trinh, P. (2021). Characteristics and prospects of iron mineralization La E E area, Nam Giang District, Quang Nam Province. Science & Technology Development Journal: Science of the Earth & Environment, 5(SI2), SI151-SI163.

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